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Kumpulan Situs Download Icon Gratis dan Berkualitas

By : fauzan

Selamat datang kembali di blog Mummydroid, yang tentunya dengan posting terbaru dari blog ini. Oke langsung saja, pada kesempatan kali saya akan share Kumpulan Situs Download Icon Gratis dan Berkualitas.

Situs- situs yang menyediakan free download icon berkualitas. Terkadang kalau kita lagi mendesign blog ataupun gambar, kita butuh icon yang nantinya akan di sesuaikan dengan tema design yang kita buat. Nah, situs - situs ini sangat cocok buat ente yang lagi berburu icon gratisan.

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Sekian posting Kumpulan Situs Download Icon Gratis dan Berkualitas, dan sampai jumpa kembali di posting selanjutnya.

Install Android SDK dengan Eclipse di Linux Ubuntu 13.10

By : fauzan
Install Android SDK dengan Eclipse di Linux Ubuntu 13.10

Assalamualaikum sobat Mummymaster, pada postingan kali ini saya ingin berbagi pengalaman saya menginstall Android SDK dengan Eclipse pada Ubuntu 12,04 LTS kepada Anda. Postingan sebelumnya saya pernah membahas tutorial tentang "Cara Install dan Menjalankan Androin SDK di Ubuntu". Baiklah sobat langsung saja disimak dan dipraktekin langsung dah bagi yang ingin menginstall.

Persyaratan sistem:
Anda harus menginstal Java Development Kit (JDK).

kunjungi disini untuk cara mengistalnya

1. Android SDK untuk Linux
Yang pertama, Anda install terlebih dahulu Android SDK di sistem Anda. Caranya Anda bisa kunjungi halaman ini "Cara Install Android SDK Manager" atau dengan terminal menggunakan perintah berikut ini:

sudo cp -r android-sdk_r20.0.1-linux.tgz /opt
cd /opt
sudo tar xvzf android-sdk_r20.0.1-linux.tgz
sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/android-sdk-linux

Kemudian jalankan SDK manager untuk mendownload library dan APIs yang dibutuhkan.

cd /opt/android-sdk-linux/tools
sudo ./android sdk

Nah, jika Anda ingin mengembangkan aplikasi Android untuk Android 2.3.3 maka Anda harus mendownload Android 2.3.3 (API 10). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang platform Android dan paket silahkan klik di sini.

2. Eclipse
Untuk mengembangkan aplikasi Android, dianjurkan untuk menggunakan Eclipse 3.6. Anda dapat mendownloadnya di sini. Anda dapat menempatkan Eclipse ke Folder System agar pengguna lain dapat menggunakannya:

sudo cp -r eclipse-java-helios-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz /usr/local
cd /usr/local
sudo chmod a+x eclipse-java-helios-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz
sudo tar xvzf eclipse-java-helios-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz

Buat Eclipse shortcut pada Desktop.

cd ~/Desktop
ln -s /usr/local/eclipse/eclipse

3. Instalasi ADT Plugin untuk Eclipse
Untuk berkomunikasi dengan Android SDK Tools, perlu sebuah plugin Eclipse yang disebut ADT Plugin. Silahkan buka Eclipse IDE Anda, navigasikan ke "Help --> Install New Software ...", klik "Add" di sudut kanan atas. Dalam dialog Add Repository yang muncul, masukkan "ADT plugin" untuk Nama dan jalankan perintah berikut:

Kemudian klik OK. Dalam kotak dialog Available Software, periksa "Developer Tools" checkbox, klik Next dan ikuti instruksi pada layar.

4. Konfigurasi ADT Plugin
Langkah terakhir yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah menempatkan Android SDK Tool untuk bekerja dengan Eclipse. Pada menu Eclipse, pilih "Window --> Preferences ...", pilih "Android" dari panel kiri, pada "SDK Location" klik "Browse" dan cari Android SDK Tool Anda (dalam contoh ini: /opt/android-sdk-linux).

Sekarang Anda siap untuk mengembangkan aplikasi Android di Linux.

Cara Install Android SDK Manager via PPA di Ubuntu 13.10

By : fauzan
Android SDK adalah development kit yang ditargetkan pada perangkat mobile yang menjalankan sistem operasi Android. Dengan Android SDK, Anda dapat mengembangkan, melakukan debug, dan uji aplikasi menggunakan emulator built-in yang mengemulasi OS Android di banyak platform (Linux, Windows, dll).
Pada tutorial kali ini kami akan membantu Anda untuk menginstal Android SDK melalui PPA pada Ubuntu 13.10

Instalasi Android SDK Manager (R20)
Untuk menginstal Android SDK Manager di ubuntu 13.10 buka terminal dan jalankan perintah berikut (sistem i386):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/sdk
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-sdk

Sekarang jalankan Android SDK melalui Menu-Accessories-Android SDK Manager:

Ini adalah screen shot dari Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) dijalankan dengan Android SDK Manager:

Itu dia cara menginstall Android SDK Manager di Ubuntu 13.10
Selamat mencoba..!!

Install JDK Java di Linux Ubuntu

By : fauzan
Nah siapa nih yang ga tau JDK? ya kalo nyari nyampe sini pasti tau lah :). Oke dalam java ada beberapa produk yaitu JDK, JRE dll lah, Nah JDK fungsinya adalah untuk para developer yang akan mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis java, dan jre adalah aplikasi untuk menjalankan aplikasi java *singkatnya begitu. Seperti biasa ada beberapa cara untuk menginstall.
Install JDK Java di Ubuntu
1. Ini mudah ya sob, bisa melalui ubuntu software center cari java, tentu ini tidak usah di jelaskan yah :P
2. Melalui PPA, jalankan saja sob perintah di bawah satu per satu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
3. Cek java

java -version 

Install Java Secara Offline

1. Download java disini Java jdk for linux pilih yang linux dan tar.gz sob.

2. Extrak filenya

sudo tar xfz jdk-7u10-linux-i586.tar.gz //saya pake java 7u10 sesuaikan yah namanya

atau bisa klik kanan extrak sob. Jika belu faha lokasi di ubuntu lebih baik baca Cara Masuk Folder Dalam Terminal Ubuntu biar ga bingung gimana-gimananya

3. Buat folder jvm dan jdk1.7.0 di /usr/lib/, karena saya akan menginstall java 1.7 sob.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0 //ini lokasi default

4. Pindahkan isi file java dari extrakan tadi ke folder /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0

sudo mv jdk1.7.0_10/* /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0 //folder java saya bernama jdk1.7.0_10 jadi sesuaikan nama dan lokasinya

5.  Buat link untuk perintah java, jalankan satu-satu yah.

sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java" 1
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/javac" 1
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javaws" "javaws" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/javaws" 1

6. Cek java
java -version
Nih hasil cek java saya sob

java version "1.7.0_10"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_10-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 23.6-b04, mixed mode)

7. Jika error, permission denied berikan permission executable pada file java

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/java

Oke selamat mencoba sob :).

Tales of Illyria | android Games

By : fauzan

Tales of Illyria |

**Attention: This is an "Early Access" release***

What you get...

- 1/2 off the final price
- A 99% complete game with a balanced economy and combat system
- Every update and extra content
- You can get a full refund if you have issues

What you risk....

- Possible: Downloading might not go smoothly.
- Rare: You might find a bug.
- Rare: An encounter may be unbeatable.
- Very Rare: A later update may require redownloading files.
- Very Rare: A later update may break your saved games.

Tales of Illyria is a party based RPG hybrid mixing Oregon Trail and "Choose your own adventure" game mechanics. Each party member has a distinct personality and reacts differently to being sick, running out of supplies or a decision you make that goes against their alignment. Combat is tactical but extremely fast, its real-time & turn based, issue every order to your party or let the AI do the work.


20+ hours of gameplay
1.5GB of art at full 1080P
75 original music compositions
675 unique encounters
6 unique kingdoms with 42 villages, castles and cities to visit
6 Geographic environments
Tons of monsters, shops, equipment, spells & melee fighting style
Equipment changes appearance of sprites and portraits
250K words that's over 4 novels
Google Translation with ADDITIONAL PURCHASE of key $

After the game installs additional files will be downloaded depending on the resolution you pick this will range from 750mb to 185mb. You will need double that in free space to install the game.

What's in this version:

- Numerous bug fixes and small usage improvements
- Added a font for the Dyslexic
- Fixed a bug on Slow spell AI
- Fixed small audio glitch on trail

Requires Android: 4.0 and up

Screenshots :

Instruction :
1. Ekstrak SD Data, dan copy folder hasil ekstrak ke Sdcard\(disini)
2. Install APK
3. Enjoy.....!

Download APK Game Android Tales of Illyria | 4 MB

Download SD Data Game Android Tales of Illyria | 321 MB


Download Full APK+SD Data Game Android Tales of Illyria | 630 MB

Link to download
Password : mummy

Pocket Rally Full | Android Games

By : fauzan

Pocket Rally |

Pocket Rally is an attempt to combine the best of both old school rally racing games and smart device experiences. Stunning visual graphics, realistic yet fun to drive car physics, all in the palm of your hand. Take the rally racing anytime, anywhere with you!


* Highly detailed and precisely made car models, beautiful and visually convincing racing tracks located in various spectacular sceneries including mountains, coastline and ancient city ruins.

* Carefully tuned car physics to be both realistic and fun. Multiple ground surface properties including tarmac, gravel and grass. Each car has unique driving characteristics, and will evolve through the winning of races.

* 4 control modes (including Xperia(TM) Play gamepad) and 3 camera angles (in-game toggleable) to choose from.

* Strength adjustable AI opponents. Up to 4 cars can race simultaneously in a game.

* Introducing the Replay Mode. Performed a perfect power drift doing a hairpin turn and want to show your friends? Too occupied in the competition not able to admire your own driving technique and want to see it later? Replay Mode is the answer for you! The replay cameras are tailored for each track, recording the whole event from best angles and play it back for you.

* 2 main game modes to play: Challenge mode and Single Race mode. Additional cars and tracks can be unlocked by winning challenges and to be chosen in Single Race mode.

* Pocket Rally only requires a 25 MB download. Hi-end devices are not required to run the game smoothly. The loading is so fast it's literally seconds between launching the APP and grabbing your driving wheel! Rally racing whenever you like, wherever you like!

Currently there are 5 legendary rally cars, 4 tracks (including forward/reverse direction) and 30 Challenge mode events in the game, with many more to come!

What's in this version:
V1.0.2 (2013/06/08)
- New car added. Currently the new car is not included in Challenge mode yet.
- Speed limit removed.
- New "Extra" speed option in Single Race mode. For those who still feel the need for speed, please try this!
- Engine sound now reflect gear-change.
- Brake light effect added.
- New control mode for Xperia(TM) Play gamepad. The original "Wheel" control mode was removed temporarily.

Requires Android: 2.0.1 and up

Screenshots :

Download Game Android Pocket Rally | 24 MB 

Link to download
Password : mummy

Aftershock | android Games

By : fauzan

Aftershock |

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Crazy arcade survival action game AFTERSHOCK comes to Android!

Aliens have invaded Earth! It up to you to defend it with your fingertips!

Survive multiple waves of alien invaders and blast them away with RAILGUNS and ROCKET LAUNCHERS. Gather enough resources to call down devastating SUPER WEAPONS like PARTICLE CANNON and BOMBARDMENT to obliterate your foes. Enemy grows stronger every minute prepare yourself by collecting power ups on the battlefield.

Challenge you self with AFTERSHOCK the over the top arcade survival action game with its gorgeous high definition 3D graphics and addictive game play.

- Over the top arcade survival action game.
- Addictive game play that will keep pulling you back.
- Challenging difficulty for both casual and hardcore gamers.
- Player grade system to see how well you preformed. What is your gaming level?
- Crazy special effects and explosions.
- Multiple zones to defend from the alien invasion.
- Wide range of powerful super weapons that will annihilate your enemies from your fingertips.
- Find power up and hidden super weapons to improve your weapon arsenal.
- Fun and simple controls that anyone can get into.
- Amazing High Definition graphics.
- Energetic music from Machinimasound that keeps you on the edge.

Minimum Requirements:

- 800x480 Display Resolution.

What's in this version:
1.2 Update:
- New machine gun icon. This will help players aim better just slide along the arrow. If you have large thumb increase the UI scale that suits you better.
- Fixed some crash issues when nuke goes off with older phones.
1.1 Update:
- Improved loading speed by 70%.
- Early game balanced. Should be easier than before.
- Added Facebook and Twitter Icon links.

Requires Android: 2.2 and up

Screenshots :

Download Game Android Aftershock | 44.7 MB

Link to download
Password : mummy

Total Recoil | Android Games

By : fauzan

Total Recoil |

9/10 - Android Pipe
App Of The Day - Mobile Entertainment Biz

Android Rundown -
"Every now and then, a game comes along and socks you dead in the jaw. Total Recoil is one of those games" 8.5/10


Look lively soldier! Grab your gear and fall in line for the biggest, baddest, craziest and most explosive war game to hit your screens and assault your senses. Total Recoil takes arcade shooters to the max; it’s a warmongers delight, packing a deadly arsenal of kick-ass weapons, devastating explosions, mega bosses, and much, much more into one dynamite package.


• Explosively addictive arcade gameplay keeps you coming back for more. If you can see it, you can blow it up
• Upgradable weapons including Assault Rifle, Flamethrower, Chaingun, Cannon, Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher
• Unlock ‘Killstreak’ rewards including artillery strikes, sentry guns and dive bombing planes
• Packed with multiple game modes including Operations, Rank Challenges and Endless Wave mode.


If you face any technical issue with the game and/or device please contact us.

This will enable us to fix and update the game, making it better for all.

What's in this version:
Thanks for playing Total Recoil and for your reviews and feedback ! We have some bug fixes for you today:
- Fixed music volume control slider.
- Fixed soft-locking Facebook and twitter buttons on debrief and rank up screens.
- Fixed 'Restore Purchases' button.
- Fixed cannon section of boot camp (it was possible to get stuck in some rare circumstances).
- Fixed crash in Heyzap leaderboards when played in certain non-English languages
Keep Blasting !!

Requires Android: 2.3.3 and up

Screenshots :

Download Game Android Total Recoil | 36 MB

Link to download
Password : mummy

Brotherhood of Violence | Android Games

By : fauzan

Brotherhood of Violence |

Brotherhood of Violence puts your fighting skills to the test with stunning 3D graphics, multiple fighting disciplines, and more than 400 ever evolving fighters that learn through artificial intelligence. Battle your way through 30 environments to defeat punks, ninja, Yakuza and more. Watch out for the Big Boss. He has it in for you and his skills are unmatched! Click "...More" to learn why you should download this Game today!

You're a former member of an elite brotherhood of assassins. The problem is, with this brotherhood there's no such thing as a "former" member. You knew the Big Boss would try to drag you back in, but you never thought he's kidnap your brother to get to you. Now you must follow the way of the warrior to find him and bring him home.

Brotherhood of Violence Features Include:
* High end 3D engine
* Multitouch, third-party controller (Bluetooth) support
* Explore 30+ unique environments
* More than 400 different stylized opponents to defeat!
* Choose from 12 unique fighters or create your own with a deep character editor (features: face, complexion, weight, clothes, accessories and more)
* Evolving fighters AI will keep you entertained
* Play daily challenges: Hitman, Battle Royale and Survival !
* Brag about your skills on Facebook
* In-App purchases available for game credits, unlocking more companions, more attacks styles, new abilities, clothes and more!
* High quality character animations with 12 different fighting styles: Boxing, Muey-thai, Feral, Kung-fu and Karate
* Stunning graphics, full 3D characters, advanced lighting and an unprecedented level of detail
* Intuitive controls with jump, roll, attack, quick time events, super moves and more!

Equip your character, learn your fighting technique. What's it going to be? Muay-thai? Kung-fu? With five different disciplines to choose from, you're ready to jump right into the middle of the action!

Get lost in the story with amazing cinematic effects, awesome lighting and intricate detail as you fight to rescue your brother. Your opponents learn through AI, so they're constantly evolving and learning your moves. What works for one bad guy today, may not work tomorrow! It's a tough fight, but you can get help if you need it. You can always unlock a companion to help you along the way.

Three levels of difficulty ensure that you'll never be bored as you perfect your fighting style. All you have to decide is whether to follow the light path of the warrior, or go into the dark. Download Brotherhood of Violence, the amazing brawler on Android now and get your brawl on!

Supported devices: Snapdragon S2 ( Adreno 205, 220), PowerVR SGX 540, Tegra,
Recommended: Mali MP400, nVidia Tegra 3 or Snapdragon S4 (Adreno 230)
* Optimized for Xperia Play.
* Keyboard and USB joystick supported:
ION Arcade
SteelSeries SRWheel
Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller
Microsoft X-Box 360 pad
Microsoft® Microsoft® SideWinder® Game Pad USB
PC Magic Box + Dreamcast Controller
Gametel HID Gamepad mode
* MOGA Enhanced! MOGA controller is available at major US retailers and online at

What's in this version:

• MOGA Enhanced! MOGA controller is available at major US retailers and online at
• Improved input assignment for joystick.
• Restored profile for Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller

Requires Android: 2.3 and up

Screenshots :

Instruction :
1. Install APK
2. Ekstrak SD Data, dan copy folder hasil ekstrak ke sdcard/android/obb/...
3. Enjoy.....!
Download APK Game Android Brotherhood of Violence | 2.6 MB

Download SD Data Game Android Brotherhood of Violence | 249.2 MB 

Link to download
Password : mummy

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